Arquímedes 130 5to. Piso Of. A, Polanco, CDMX.

Blvd. Colosio, Plaza La Roca, Local 23. CP 77560, Cancun, Q. Roo.


Since the energy reform to the Mexican Constitution in 2013 that private, domestic and foreign investment opens the sector of electricity, gas and oil, the country has become legally touching aspects from market regulation to social impact assessment, industrial safety and environmental protection in the hydrocarbon industry, to storage rules, import and export of fuels and incentives to use alternate sources friendlier electrical energy with the environment, such as wind, geothermal, photovoltaic .

Every investor in these sectors must behold to a permanent regulation updating system thus the ruling frame is still under construction. Reality has overwhelmed the legal theory and Energy Law is a dynamic subject in constant evolution.

Our Firm dedicates a whole team in the areas of:

  • Water

  • Community Consensus Building

  • Environmental Risks and Impacts

  • Ecuator Principles

  • Natural Protected Areas

  • Environment Training

  • Social Impact

  • Regulation

  • Atmosphere

  • Energy

  • Litigation

  • Due diligence and certifications

  • Forestry

  • Wildlife Management Plans

  • Federal Zones

  • Real State